Except my arms.
My beautiful girls and I had gone out to a lovely little pond behind our farm to take portraits for Jeff's birthday gift. The weather quickly, unexpectedly turned crabby. Thunder pounded over our heads and lightning flashed out of sync with the camera. We were just about to abandon the effort when RaeLani, camera in hand, shouted "Mom, stop right there....now...raise your arms, a bit more....Good! Got it!"
Later at home, I saw this picture and thought, "Oh, I love that picture of myself."
"Except my arms."
When I was a brash young woman, I watched my vibrant, active Grandma one day - she was so pretty. Except her arms. "Tsk, tsk," I thought, "she should do something about that."
My 45th birthday is coming up quick. I love my life. I finally love my strong, resilient, agile body. Except those arms. Sigh. I totally deserve those arms.