Sunday, April 25, 2010

Part 1, Hope Defined

by Zoe Mathias

Hope: 1. a feeling that what is wanted will happen; desire accompanied by expectation 2. the thing that one has a hope for 3. a reason for hope 4. a person or thing on which one may base some hope 5.[Archaic]trust; reliance “to leap up in expectation” 1. to want and expect 2. to want very much -vi 1. to have hope for 2.[Archaic] to trust or rely – hope against hope, to continue having hope though it seems baseless.

Hope was the last thing to come out of Pandora's box, following disease, famine, murder, hate, and despair. Though hope may seem a weak opponent, for it is always getting beaten, and bruised, what could be braver?

Such a small, shivery being to stand up to these black monsters. But stand it does. When dreams wither and die and are blown away, hope crouches against the wind. A dogged little being, for no matter how many times it is trampled it gets up and stands again. A thing both loved and hated, for it always seems to be fighting. After love, loyalty, joy, and happiness have fallen hope remains. Hope to love and feel joy and happiness once more. A strong thing is hope.

Because when the day is done, hope is there. Never giving in.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Beautifully expressed, Zoe -- thank you for your words! We're thinking of you all!!!

Here in the West,
Jane, Andy, Amri, Gwynne, the six seramas, and Jane's crazy herb garden

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