Friday, August 5, 2011

Words to Dispel Mob Mentality

Wow! Have I found a website to touch bases with when the "real" world is just too overwhelming in its absurdity. Courtesy of a link from David Spangler at Lorian Association, I found this jewel of an article among hundreds and hundreds:
There are at least 250,000 words in the English language. But to think that English -- or any language -- could hold enough expression to convey the entirety of the human experience is naive. For example, 'Toska,' from Russian, which is a kind of dull ache of the soul. Or 'Mamihlapinatapei,' from Yagan, describing the wordless, yet meaningful look shared by two people who both desire to initiate something but are both reluctant to start. Here are twenty such examples where other languages have found the right word and English is either speechless -- or too verbose. from 20 Untranslatable Words from Around the World


Kara Chipoletti Jones of GriefAndCreativity dot com said...

Hawk always says he hates words because no language he's ever learned was enough to say what he really feels. And every time he tries, it all comes out wrong and no one ever understands.

I looooove the words you shared:


One Tree LLC said...

Perhaps even more as I see words being co-opted for political or corporate manipulation, I'm a bit of a word bitch. Our ability to connect with each other, to share complex ideas and layered feelings is extraordinary.

I loved the quote on the About Us page of DailyGood: "The world is full of everyday heroes and true stories of transformation. They have helped sustain life down the ages in a multitude of ways, small, simple and profound. DailyGood aims to shine a light on these stories and in doing so to change the nature of our conversations."

Big hugs, Lisa

Jane said...

I just love these words! "Duende" is the extra-sparkle one for me. I'm reminded of a Welsh word "hiraeth" that is probably many-nuanced, but means something like a deep, aching longing that one has for one's homeland ....

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