Friday, June 29, 2012

Butchering Chickens

 In my friend Jane's novel "Because of the Red Fox", two young characters discuss the eating of chickens lovingly raised.  It's a pretty typical interchange that had me giggling out loud at the oft heard disagreement over what to call the killing of chickens in order to eat them.  Butchering, harvesting, processing, or Jeff's own phrase "sending them to freezer camp."  In my opinion (and that of Jane's characters), calling the task "butchering" does not make it more or less than exactly what it is.  And in the pictures below, you will see that it is indeed done with care for both the chicken and the family whose table they shall grace. 

1 comment:

Jane said...

Beautiful. Really. What a good like those chickens had ... and what nourishing, delicious food they will offer! You have written before how amazing farm animals are - that it's such a blessed give-and-receive, a relationship. The Mystery of life is so apparent here, in the raising of these chickens for a specific purpose, and the care of their lives from egg to market.

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